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Highest quality standards are achieved through the implementations of latest technology, decades of experience and everlasting moral values , which have helped us to retain our customers as well as multiply them.



A private limited company, Terminal Technologies (I) Pvt. Ltd is one of the principal companies that are operating in the domain of automotive and appliances industry. Incepted in the year 1993, we are involved in manufacturing and supplying of a wide range of electric cable terminals, electrical wiring terminals, electrical cable connectors, copper male connectors, fork & pin terminals, electrical corrugated pipes, plastic bulb holders, electric wiring connectors, corrugated tubes, wiring tubes, cable clamps and electrical conduit clamps. Serving a wide spectrum of industries like automotive industry, appliance industry and electrical industry, we feel immense pride in addressing the needs of majority of Indian two wheelers, tractors, heavy vehicles and L.C.V. Also, we are instrumental in powering over 20% of the refrigerators and air conditioners of the domestic market by means of our cutting edge technology the company also has future organic and inorganic growth plans. With liberalization and opening of Indian economy, Indian automobile Industry started adopting global technologies and TT was at the right place offering solutions for chain terminals in large volume and desired quality levels. Insistence on latest technology and quality of the production has helped in carving out a niche market for TT with most MNC Clients in the country as esteemed customers. During the past decade, TT has been serving Indian auto and appliances industry with billions of Terminals and Connectors. During this period, TT has grown 10 fold, thanks to the customer confidence.

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

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Aluminium Cable Terminals, Aluminium Ferrules For Al Xlpe Conductors, Aluminium In Line Connectors, Aluminium Terminals, Aluminium Terminals Ends For Al Xlpe Conductors, Aluminium Tubular Terminals, Aluminium Tubular Terminals Long Barrel, Anti Corrosion Compound Cgtz 8785, Battery Terminals, Bi Metallic Terminals, Bi Metallic Tubular Terminals, Brass Cable Terminals, Brass Terminals, Bulb Holders, Bullet Terminal, Bullet Terminals, Cable Terminals, Combination Connector, Combination Connectors, Compressor Connectors, Compressor Terminal, Compressor Terminals, Conduit Clamp, Conduit Clamps, Copper Cable Terminals, Copper Long Palm Terminals Ends, Copper Ring Terminals, Copper Soldering Type Tubular Sockets, Copper Terminal, Copper Terminals, Copper Tubular In Line Connectors, Electrical Lug, Electronic Connectors, Female Connectors, Fork Terminals, Fuse Box Connectors, Fuse Terminal, Fuse Terminals, Head Lamp And Sensor Connectors, Home, Male Connectors, Mid Joint Terminal, Mid Joint Terminals, Open Close Type Soldering Cable Sockets, Plastic Connectors, Reducer Type Soldering Brass Terminals, Relay Base Connectors, Ring Terminal, Ring Terminals, Sheet Metal Lugs, Terminals For Cables, Terminals For Cables And Wires, Tubular Lugs, Tv Connectors, Stamping Parts, Male Terminals, Male And Female Connectors 312 Series, Male And Female Connectors 250 Series, Male And Female Connectors 110 Series, Male And Female Connectors 090 Series, Male And Female Connectors, Head Lamp Connectors And Sensor Connectors, Fuse Box, Fork And Pin Terminals, Female Terminals, Electrical Distribution Box, Electrical Contacts, Distribution Box, Customised Stamping Parts, Combination Terminals, Automotive Terminals